SNA Consulting Pty Ltd ئاپەکان

Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Bahasa 1.5
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Belajar bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, Prancis,Jerman, Italia, Jepang, Korea, Spanyol, Thai dan bahasa asinglainnya!Ini adalah aplikasi terbaru dan paling efektif untuk orang-orangIndonesia yang mau belajar bicara bahasa asing dalam waktu 24 jam!Aplikasi ini menggunakan audiovisual teknologi untuk membantumempercepat anda belajar bahasa asing.Anda mau mengembangkan bisnis anda secara global? Atau mungkinanda mau mendapatkan deal terbaik ketika berlibur di luar negeri?Akan sangat berguna kalau anda dapat berbicara bahasa-bahasapopuler di dunia!Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar di kursus bahasa asing, ataumungkin terlalu mahal untuk anda? Kami punya solusinya! Denganaplikasi ini, anda dapat belajar bahasa asing ketika menyetir,ketika jogging di taman atau bahkan saat anda santai di ranjang.Tinggal pasang headphone dan mulailah belajar! Sangat mudah dantidak repot!Cocok untuk semua orang, dari pelajar, penjelajah dunia sampaiorang-orang bisnis! Aplikasi ini dapat membantu anda untukberbicara bahasa inggris dalam waktu 24 jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata di dalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Mandarin dengan mudah!Terima kasih!Learning English,Mandarin, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thaiand other foreign languages!This is the newest and most effective application for theIndonesian people who want to learn to speak a foreign languagewithin 24 hours! This application uses audiovisual technology tohelp accelerate your learning foreign languages.You want to expand your business globally? Or maybe you want toget the best deal when on holiday abroad? It would be very usefulif you can speak the languages ​​of popular in the world!Too busy to enroll in a foreign language course, or may be tooexpensive for you? We have the solution! With this application, youcan learn a foreign language when driving, when jogging in the parkor even when you are relaxing in bed. Just plug the headphones andstart learning! It's easy and no hassle!Suitable for everyone, from students, world traveler to businesspeople! This application can help you to speak English within 24hours!In this application there are thousands of words in sentencesthat are commonly used in everyday conversation to help you learnMandarin with ease!Thank you!
In 24 Hours Learn Korean 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn Korean in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audiovisual learning experience on how to speakthe Korean language.Doing business or on holiday in Korea? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theKorean language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling overseasand found yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and a Korean speaker withthis app.Too busy to enrol on a proper Korean language course or perhapsit is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and wenow have a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the Korean language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Korean language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 H Learn Chinese Mandarin 1.5
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn ChineseMandarin in 24 hours! This app provides students, tourists,explorers or businessmen with an audiovisual learning experience onhow to speak China's national language, which is Mandarin.Doing business or want to do business with the Chinese? You candefinitely get the best deals if you can understand and speak theirlanguage! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling in China and foundyourself lost in Chinese translation? Fret no more, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and a Chinese with thisapp.Too busy to enrol on a proper Chinese language course or is ittoo expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and we nowhave a solution. This is designed to work with your activelifestyle! With the audio feature of this app, you can always learnwhile on the go. Whether you are driving, on the bus or train,jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, just plug in yourearphones and start learning! This app gives you the easiest andmost hassle free way to learn Chinese!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Chinese language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn Thai 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn Thai in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audiovisual learning experience on how to speakthe Thai language.Doing business or on holiday in Thailand? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theThai language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling in Phuket andfound yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can now conquerthe language barrier between you and a Thai speaker with thisapp.Too busy to enrol on a proper Thai language course or perhaps itis too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and we nowhave a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the Thai language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Thai language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn Japanese 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn Japanese in24 hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audio-visual learning experience on how tospeak the Japanese language.Doing business or on holiday in Japan? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theJapanese language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling in Tokyoand found yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and a Japanese speakerwith this app.Too busy to enrol on a proper Japanese language course orperhaps it is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only oneand we now have a solution. This app is designed to work with youractive lifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of thisapp, you can always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving,on the bus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing inbed, just plug in your earphones and start learning! This app givesyou the easiest and most hassle free way to learn the Japaneselanguage!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Japanese language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
En 24 Horas Aprender Idiomas 1.4
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Esta es la nueva y posiblemente mas efectivaaplicación para ti para aprender a hablar otro idioma en 24 horas ,esta aplicación proporcionara a los estudiantes , turistas ,mochileros o empresarios con una experiencia audiovisual en comohablar el otro idioma.¿Haciendo negocios o de vacaciones en ultramar? Definitivamentepuedes conseguir las mejores ofertas o si puedes entender y hablarotro idioma ¡, ¿ Eres un viajero en ultramar y te encuentrasperdido en traducción ? No te preocupes, ahora puedes conquistar labarrera lingüística entre tú y un extranjero hablante con estaAplicación.¿Muy ocupado para apuntarte a un curso de idioma o que quizássea demasiado caro? No estas solo y nosotros tenemos la solución, ¡Esta aplicación esta diseñada para trabajar con tu activo estilo devida! Con la función de audio de esta aplicación, podrás aprenderen el camino, si vas conduciendo, en el bus o tren , corriendo enel parque o quizás relajando en la cama, ¡ solo ponte tusauriculares y empieza a aprender ! ¡Esta aplicación te da la formamas fácil y libre de problemas para aprender el otro idioma!Si eres un estudiante de academia, turista , mochilero ,aventurero u hombre de negocios, ¡ esta aplicación se asegurara deque hables otro idioma en 24 horas !¡Gracias!This is the new andpossibly more effective application for you to learn to speakanother language in 24 hours, this application will providestudents, tourists, backpackers or businessmen with an audiovisualexperience in how to speak the other language.Doing business or vacation overseas? You can definitely get thebest deals or if you can understand and speak another language, Areyou an overseas traveler and you find yourself lost in translation?Do not worry, now you can conquer the language barrier between youand a foreign speaker with this application.Too busy to sign up for a language course or may be tooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution Thisapplication is designed to work with your active lifestyle! Withthe audio feature of this app, you can learn along the way, if youare driving, on the bus or train, running in the park or perhapsrelaxing in bed, just put on your headphones and start learning!This application gives you the easiest and most hassle-free way tolearn another language!If you are a student academy, tourist, backpacker, adventurer orbusinessman, This application will ensure that speak anotherlanguage in 24 hours!Thank you!
In 24 Hours Learn Spanish 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn Spanish in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audiovisual learning experience on how to speakthe Spanish language.Doing business or on holiday in Spain, Mexico or South America?You can definitely get the best business or holiday if you canunderstand and speak the Spanish language! Perhaps you are anexplorer travelling in Barcelona and found yourself lost intranslation? No worries, you can now conquer the language barrierbetween you and a Spanish speaker with this app.Too busy to enrol on a proper Spanish language course or perhapsit is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and wenow have a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the Spanish language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Spanish language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn French 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn French in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audio-visual learning experience on how tolearn the French language.Doing business or on holiday in France? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theFrench language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling overseasand found yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and a French speaker withthis app.Too busy to enrol on a proper French language course or perhapsit is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and wenow have a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the French language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you learn Frenchlanguage in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn Indonesian 1.5
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to speak and learn Indonesian in 24 hours!This app provides students, tourists, explorers or businessmen withan audiovisual learning experience on how to speak the Indonesianlanguage, Bahasa Indonesia.Doing business or want to do business in Indonesia or getdiscounts when you are on a holiday in Bali? You can definitely getthe best deals if you can understand and speak the Indonesianlanguage! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling overseas and foundyourself lost in translation? No worries, you can now conquer thelanguage barrier between you and an Indonesian speaker with thisapp.Too busy to enrol on a proper Indonesian language course orperhaps it is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only oneand we now have a solution. This app is designed to work with youractive lifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of thisapp, you can always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving,on the bus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing inbed, just plug in your earphones and start learning! This app givesyou the easiest and most hassle free way to learn the Indonesianlanguage!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Indonesian language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn German 1.5
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn German in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audiovisual learning experience on how to learnthe German language.Doing business or on holiday in Germany? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theGerman language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling overseasand found yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and a German speaker withthis app.Too busy to enrol on a proper German language course or perhapsit is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and wenow have a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the German language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn German language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Hours Learn Italian 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
This is the newest and perhaps the mosteffective app for you to learn how to speak and learn Italian in 24hours! This app provides students, tourists, explorers orbusinessmen with an audiovisual learning experience on how to speakthe Italian language.Doing business or on holiday in Italy? You can definitely getthe best business or holiday if you can understand and speak theItalian language! Perhaps you are an explorer travelling in Romeand found yourself lost in translation? No worries, you can nowconquer the language barrier between you and an Italian speakerwith this app.Too busy to enrol on a proper Italian language course or perhapsit is too expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and wenow have a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn the Italian language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speak andlearn Italian language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
En 24 Heures Apprend Langues 1.5
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Anglais, Allemand, Chinois, Indonésien,Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Espagnol, Thaï et plus!Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement la plus efficace desapplications pour apprendre à parler autre langue en 24 heures!Cette application convient à des étudiants, touristes, voyageurs ouhomme d’affaires et contient une experience d’apprentissageaudiovisuel sur comment parler autre langue.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Asie, Amerique ou Europe? Vouspouvez définitivement avoir la meilleure option pour apprendre lenouveau langue! Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageant à NewYork ou Tokyo perdus dans vos traductions? Pas de souçis, vouspouvez conquérir la barrière du langage entre vous et une personneparlant autre langue avec cette application.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de autre langue ou est-cepeut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avons unesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avec votrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio de l’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vos déplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durant un jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votre lit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre! Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moins contraignantd’apprendre la nouveau langue!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ou hommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parler autre langueen 24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans des phrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure des manières.Merci!English, German, Chinese,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai and more!This is the new and probably the most effective applications tolearn to speak another language in 24 hours! This application issuitable for students, tourists, travelers or businessman andcontains an audiovisual learning experience on how to speak anotherlanguage.For business or vacation in Asia, America or Europe? You candefinitely have the best option to learn a new language! Maybeyou're an explorer traveling to New York or Tokyo lost in yourtranslations? No worries, you can conquer the language barrierbetween you and a person speaking another language with thisapplication.Too busy to enroll in a course in another language or is itmaybe too much? You are not alone and we have a solution. Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! With advancedaudio functionality of the application, you can always learn on thego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, while jogging in a park orperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphones andstart learning! This application offers you the easiest and leastburdensome to learn the new language!Should you be a student, tourist, traveler, adventurer andbusinessman, this application allows you to speak another languagein 24 hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomake sure you learn the best way.Thank you!
In 24 Hours Learn Languages EZ 1.6
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
All in one! Speak Chinese, French, German,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish or Thai! And more tocome!This is the newest and perhaps the most effective app for you tolearn how to speak a new language in 24 hours! This app providesstudents, tourists, explorers or businessmen with an audiovisuallearning experience on how to speak other languagesDoing business or want to do business offshore? You candefinitely get the best deals if you can understand and speak thelocal language where you want to go! Perhaps you are an explorertravelling overseas and found yourself lost in translation? Noworries, you can now conquer the language barrier between you and anon-english speaker with this app.Too busy to enrol on a proper language course or perhaps it istoo expensive? Tell you what, you're not the only one and we nowhave a solution. This app is designed to work with your activelifestyle at your own pace! With the audio feature of this app, youcan always learn while on the go. Whether you are driving, on thebus or train, jogging in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed, justplug in your earphones and start learning! This app gives you theeasiest and most hassle free way to learn another language!Whether you are an academic student, tourist, explorer,adventurer or businessman, this app will make sure you speakanother language in 24 hours!This app contains thousands of words in phrases to make sure youlearn the easiest way!Thanks!
In 24 Ore Imparare Lingue 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Imparare l'inglese, Francese, Tedesco,Indonesiano, Giapponese, Coreano, Cinese, Spagnolo, Thai(Thailandia) ed altri...Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e che ti promette i miglioririsultati per imparare un nuova lingua in 24 ore! Questaapplicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti, ai viaggiatori oagli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisiva per imparare aparlare un nuova lingua.Lavori o sei in vacanza in all'estero? Puoi sicuramente otteneremigliori affari o trascorrere una vacanza migliore se puoi capire eparlare un'altra lingua. Sei forse un viaggiatore che staesplorando New York, Asia, Cina, Francia o Germania e si è trovatoperso nella traduzione della lingua? Nessun problema, co questaapplicazione ora puoi conquistare la barriera che ti separa dalparlare nuova lingua.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso di nuova linguao forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noi abbiamo unasoluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata per interagire conil tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio di questaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento. Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stia facendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, ti infilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questa applicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi per imparare un nuovalingua.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista, unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati, questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare nuova lingua in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole per assicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!Learn English, French,German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Thai(Thailand) and others ...This is the application that promises you the newest and thebest results for learning a new language in 24 hours! This appprovides students, tourists, travelers or businessmen audio-visualexperience to learn to speak a new language.Work or you're on vacation in abroad? You can definitely get thebest business or a holiday if you can understand better and speakanother language. Perhaps you are a traveler who is exploring NewYork, Asia, China, France or Germany and found himself lost in thetranslation of the language? No problem, this app now co canconquer the barrier that separates you from speaking the newlanguage.Too busy to enroll in a course of true new language or maybeit's too expensive? You are not alone and now we have a solution.This application has been designed to interact with your lifestyle.With the characteristic sound of this app, you can always learnwhile you're on the move. If you're driving, whether on a bus ortrain, is jogging in the park or pretty laid back in bed, yousimply stick the headphones in and start to learn. This applicationprovides you the easiest and hassle to learn a new language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler, anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow you tospeak a new language in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sure youlearn the easy way there is!Thanks!
24 Stunden Lernen Englisch 1.3
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste und wahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Englisch in 24 Stunden zu erlernen. Diese Appunterstützt Studenten, Touristen, Reisenden und Geschäftstüchtigedabei audiovisuell die Englisch Sprache zu lernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Amerika,Australien oder Kanada? Auf jeden fall werden sie die bestenGeschäfte machen, wenn sie die Englisch Sprache sprechen undverstehen können. Vielleicht sind sie ein Reisender auf dem Weg NewYork zu entdecken aber fühlen sich verloren in der Übersetzung?Keine Sorge, sie können nun die Sprachbarriere zwischen ihnen undden Einheimischen problemlos bezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigen Englisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer? Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt die Lösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltag einzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können sie jederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Bus oder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bett liegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernen kann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methode um dieEnglisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist, Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnen mitSicherheit die Englisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit du esleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latest andprobably most effective app to learn English in 24 hours. This appsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprising therebyaudiovisuell to learn the English language.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday in America,Australia or Canada? In any case, they will make the best shops, ifthey can speak and understand the English language. Maybe they'rediscovering a traveler on the way New York but feel lost intranslation? Do not worry, they can now conquer the languagebarrier between them and the locals easily.Too busy to log in a real English course? Or maybe just tooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now have thesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them into theireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you can alwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on the busor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in her bed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. This appis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to create theEnglish language.Whether you are an academic student, tourist, traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will help you learn the Englishlanguage certainly in 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearn it easily.thank you
En 24 Horas Aprender Inglés 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Esta es la nueva y posiblemente mas efectivaaplicación para ti para aprender a hablar Inglés en 24 horas, estaaplicación proporcionara a los estudiantes, turistas, mochileros oempresarios con una experiencia audiovisual en como hablar elidioma Inglés.¿Haciendo negocios o de vacaciones en Estados Unidos, Inglaterrao Australia? Definitivamente puedes conseguir las mejores ofertas osi puedes entender y hablar Inglés!, ¿Eres un viajero en Nueva Yorky te encuentras perdido en traducción? No te preocupes, ahorapuedes conquistar la barrera lingüística entre tú y un Ingléshablante con esta Aplicación.¿Muy ocupado para apuntarte a un curso de Inglés o que quizássea demasiado caro? No estas solo y nosotros tenemos la solución,¡Esta aplicación esta diseñada para trabajar con tu activo estilode vida! Con la función de audio de esta aplicación, podrásaprender en el camino, si vas conduciendo, en el bus o tren ,corriendo en el parque o quizás relajando en la cama, ¡ solo pontetus auriculares y empieza a aprender! ¡Esta aplicación te da laforma mas fácil y libre de problemas para aprender el idiomaInglés!Si eres un estudiante de academia, turista ,mochilero,aventurero u hombre de negocios, ¡esta aplicación se asegurara deque hables Inglés en 24 horas!Esta aplicación contiene miles de palabras en frases paraasegurar que aprendes de la manera más fácil.¡Gracias!This is new and possiblymore effective implementation for you to learn to speak English in24 hours, this application will provide students, tourists,backpackers or businessmen with an audiovisual experience likespeaking English.Doing business or vacation in the United States, England orAustralia? You can definitely get the best deals or if you canunderstand and speak English !, Are you a traveler in New York andyou find yourself lost in translation? Do not worry, now you canconquer the language barrier between you and speaking English withthis application.Too busy to sign up for an English course or may be tooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution, thisapplication is designed to work with your active lifestyle! Withthe audio feature of this application, you'll learn along the way,if you drive in the bus or train, running in the park or perhapsrelaxing in bed, just put on your headphones and start learning!This application gives you the easiest and most hassle-free way tolearn the English language!If you are a student academy, tourist, backpacker, adventurer orbusinessman, this application will ensure that speak English in 24hours!This application contains thousands of words in sentences toensure that you learn the easy way.Thank you!
In 24 Stunden Lerne Sprachen 1.4
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Lerne Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch,Deutsch, Indonesisch, Italienisch, Koreanisch, Mandarin, Spanischund ThailändischDies ist die neueste und wahrscheinlich effektivste App, um eineneue Sprache in 24 Stunden zu lernen. Diese App unterstütztStudenten, Touristen, Reisende und Geschäftstüchtige dabei,audiovisuell eine neue Sprache zu lernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Überseeunterwegs? Auf jeden Fall werden Sie die besten Geschäfte machen,wenn Sie die jeweilige Sprache sprechen und verstehen können.Vielleicht sind Sie als Reisender auf dem Weg Beijing, New York,Bangkok oder Rom zu entdecken, aber fühlen sich verloren in derÜbersetzung? Keine Sorge, Sie können jetztdie Sprachbarrierezwischen sichund den Einheimischen problemlos bezwingen.Zu beschäftigt, um sich in einem richtigen Sprachkursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer?Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt die Lösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet, um sie in Ihren Alltag einzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App können sie jederzeit unterwegs lernen.Egal, ob Sie gerade Auto fahren, im Bus oder im Zug sitzen, beimJoggen sind oder entspannt in Ihrem Bett liegen. Sie können einfachIhre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das Lernen kann beginnen. Diese Appist die einfachste und müheloseste Methode,um eine Fremdsprache zulernen.Egal, ob Sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist, Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird Ihnen mitSicherheit ermöglichen, die Fremdsprache in 24h zu lernen.Vielen Dank!Learn Chinese, English,French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish andThaiThis is the latest and probably most effective app to learn anew language in 24 hours. This app helps students, tourists,travelers and enterprising, audio-visually to learn a newlanguage.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday overseas on thego? In any case, you will make the best shops, if you can speak andunderstand the language. Perhaps you are discovering as a traveleron the way Beijing, New York, Bangkok or Rome, but feel lost intranslation? Do not worry, you can sichund subdue the locals easilyjetztdie language barrier between.Too busy to log in to a proper course? Or maybe just tooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now have thesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them into your dailyroutine. With the audio feature in this app you can learn anytimeon the go. Whether you're just driving a car, sitting on the bus oron the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in your bed. Youcan simply attach your headphones and learning can begin. This appis the easiest and most effortless way to learn a foreignlanguage.Whether you are an academic student, tourist, traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will allow you surely to learnthe foreign language in 24.Many Thanks!
In 24 Ore Imparare lnglese 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e che tipromette i migliori risultati per imparare l'Inglese in 24 ore!Questa applicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti, aiviaggiatori o agli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisiva perimparare a parlare la lingua Inglese.Lavori o sei in vacanza in U.S.A.? Puoi sicuramente otteneremigliori affari o trascorrere una vacanza migliore se puoi capire eparlare l'Inglese. Sei forse un viaggiatore che sta esplorando NewYork e si è trovato perso nella traduzione della lingua? Nessunproblema, co questa applicazione ora puoi conquistare la barrierache ti separa dal parlare Inglese.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso di linguaInglese o forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noi abbiamouna soluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata per interagirecon il tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio di questaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento. Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stia facendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, ti infilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questa applicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi per imparare la linguaInglese.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista, unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati, questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare Inglese in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole per assicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!This is the applicationthat promises you the newest and the best results to learn Englishin 24 hours! This app provides students, tourists, travelers orbusinessmen audiovisual experience to learn to speak the Englishlanguage.Work or you're on vacation in U.S.A.? You can definitely getbetter deals or spend a better holiday if you can understand andspeak English. You're probably a traveler who is exploring New Yorkand found himself lost in the translation of the language? Noproblem, co this application you can conquer the barrier thatseparates you from speaking English.Too busy to enroll in an English language course true or maybeit's too expensive? You are not alone, and now we have a solution.This application is designed to interact with your lifestyle. Withthe characteristic sound of this app, you can always learn on thego. If you're driving, either on the bus or on the train, isjogging in the park or rather relaxed in bed, you stick yourheadphones and just beginning to learn. This application assuresthe easiest and trouble to learn the English language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler, anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow you tospeak English in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sure youlearn the easy way out there!Thank you!
24 Stunden Lernen Koreanisch 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste und wahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Koreanisch in 24 Stunden zu erlernen. Diese Appunterstützt Studenten, Touristen, Reisenden und Geschäftstüchtigedabei audiovisuell die Koreanisch Sprache zu lernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Korea? Auf jedenfall werden sie die besten Geschäfte machen, wenn sie dieKoreanisch Sprache sprechen und verstehen können. Vielleicht sindsie ein Reisender auf dem Weg Seoul zu entdecken aber fühlen sichverloren in der Übersetzung? Keine Sorge, sie können nun dieSprachbarriere zwischen ihnen und den Einheimischen problemlosbezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigen Koreanisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer? Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt die Lösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltag einzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können sie jederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Bus oder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bett liegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernen kann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methode um dieKoreanisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist, Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnen mitSicherheit die Koreanisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit du esleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latest andprobably most effective app to learn Korean in 24 hours. This appsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprising therebyaudiovisuell to learn the Korean language.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday in Korea? In anycase, they will make the best shops, if they can speak andunderstand the language Korean. Maybe they're discovering atraveler on the way Seoul but feel lost in translation? Do notworry, they can now conquer the language barrier between them andthe locals easily.Too busy to log in a real Korean-course? Or maybe just tooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now have thesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them into theireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you can alwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on the busor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in her bed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. This appis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to create theKorean language.Whether you are an academic student, tourist, traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will help you learn the Koreanlanguage with security in 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearn it easily.thank you
Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Inggris 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ini adalah aplikasi terbaru dan paling efektifuntuk orang-orang Indonesia yang mau belajar bicara bahasa Inggrisdalam waktu 24 jam! Aplikasi ini menggunakan audiovisual teknologiuntuk membantu mempercepat anda belajar bahasa Inggris.Anda mau mengembangkan bisnis anda secara global? Atau mungkin andamau mendapatkan deal terbaik ketika berlibur di luar negeri? Akansangat berguna kalau anda dapat berbicara bahasa yang palingpopuler di dunia!Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar di kursus bahasa Inggris, ataumungkin terlalu mahal untuk anda? Kami punya solusinya! Denganaplikasi ini, anda dapat belajar bahasa Inggris ketika menyetir,ketika jogging di taman atau bahkan saat anda santai di ranjang.Tinggal pasang headphone dan mulailah belajar! Sangat mudah dantidak repot!Cocok untuk semua orang, dari pelajar, penjelajah dunia sampaiorang-orang bisnis! Aplikasi ini dapat membantu anda untukberbicara bahasa inggris dalam waktu 24 jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata di dalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Mandarin dengan mudah!Terima kasih!This is the newest andmost effective application for the Indonesian people who want tolearn to speak English within 24 hours! This application usesaudiovisual technology to help accelerate your learningEnglish. You want to expand your business globally? Or maybe you want to getthe best deal when on holiday abroad? It would be very useful ifyou can speak the language of the most popular in the world! Too busy to enroll in an English language course, or may be tooexpensive for you? We have the solution! With this application, youcan learn English while driving, when jogging in the park or evenwhen you are relaxing in bed. Just plug the headphones and startlearning! It's easy and no hassle!Suitable for everyone, from students, world traveler to businesspeople! This application can help you to speak English within 24hours! In this application there are thousands of words in sentences thatare commonly used in everyday conversation to help you learnMandarin with ease!Thank you!
24小时之内学习说韩语 学韩语 快速 免费 最佳 新 韩语 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
En 24 Horas Aprender Coreano 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Esta es la nueva y posiblemente masefectivaaplicación para ti para aprender a hablar Coreano en 24horas, estaaplicación proporcionara a los estudiantes, turistas,mochileros oempresarios con una experiencia audiovisual en comohablar elidioma Coreano.¿Haciendo negocios o de vacaciones en Corea?Definitivamentepuedes conseguir las mejores ofertas o si puedesentender y hablarCoreano!, ¿Eres un viajero en Seúl y te encuentrasperdido entraducción? No te preocupes, ahora puedes conquistar labarreralingüística entre tú y un Coreano hablante con estaAplicación.¿Muy ocupado para apuntarte a un curso de Coreano o quequizássea demasiado caro? No estas solo y nosotros tenemos lasolución,¡Esta aplicación esta diseñada para trabajar con tu activoestilode vida! Con la función de audio de esta aplicación,podrásaprender en el camino, si vas conduciendo, en el bus o tren,corriendo en el parque o quizás relajando en la cama, ¡ solopontetus auriculares y empieza a aprender! ¡Esta aplicación te dalaforma mas fácil y libre de problemas para aprender elidiomaCoreano!Si eres un estudiante de academia, turista ,mochilero,aventurerou hombre de negocios, ¡esta aplicación se asegurara deque hablesCoreano en 24 horas!Esta aplicación contiene miles de palabras en frasesparaasegurar que aprendes de la manera más fácil.¡Gracias!This is new andpossiblymore effective implementation for you to learn to speakKorean in24 hours, this application will provide students,tourists,backpackers or businessmen with experience as anaudiovisual speakthe Korean language.Doing business or holiday in Korea? You can definitely getthebest deals or if you can understand and speak Korean !, Are youatraveler in Seoul and you find yourself lost in translation? Donotworry, now you can conquer the language barrier between you andaKorean speaker with this application.Too busy to sign up for a course in Korean or may betooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution,thisapplication is designed to work with your active lifestyle!Withthe audio feature of this application, you'll learn along theway,if you drive in the bus or train, running in the park orperhapsrelaxing in bed, just put on your headphones and startlearning!This application gives you the easiest and mosthassle-free way tolearn the Korean language!If you are a student academy, tourist, backpacker, adventurerorbusinessman, this application will make sure you speak Korean in24hours!This application contains thousands of words in sentencestoensure that you learn the easy way.Thank you!
In 24 Ore Imparare Tedesco 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e che tipromette i migliori risultati per imparare il Tedesco in 24 ore!Questa applicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti, aiviaggiatori o agli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisiva perimparare a parlare la lingua Tedesco.Lavori o sei in vacanza in Germania? Puoi sicuramente otteneremigliori affari o trascorrere una vacanza migliore se puoi capire eparlare il Tedesco. Sei forse un viaggiatore che sta esplorandoBerlino e si è trovato perso nella traduzione della lingua? Nessunproblema, co questa applicazione ora puoi conquistare la barrierache ti separa dal parlare Tedesco.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso di linguaTedesco o forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noi abbiamouna soluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata per interagirecon il tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio di questaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento. Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stia facendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, ti infilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questa applicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi per imparare la linguaTedesco.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista, unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati, questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare Tedesco in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole per assicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!This is the applicationthat promises you the newest and the best results for learningGerman in 24 hours! This app provides students, tourists, travelersor businessmen audiovisual experience to learn to speak the Germanlanguage.Work or you're on holiday in Germany? You can definitely getbetter deals or spend a better holiday if you can understand andspeak German. You're probably a traveler who is exploring Berlinand found himself lost in the translation of the language? Noproblem, co this application you can conquer the barrier thatseparates you from speaking German.Too busy to enroll in a language course true German or maybeit's too expensive? You are not alone, and now we have a solution.This application is designed to interact with your lifestyle. Withthe characteristic sound of this app, you can always learn on thego. If you're driving, either on the bus or on the train, isjogging in the park or rather relaxed in bed, you stick yourheadphones and just beginning to learn. This application assuresthe easiest and trouble to learn the German language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler, anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow you tospeak German in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sure youlearn the easy way out there!Thank you!
In 24 Ore Imparare Francese 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e che tipromette i migliori risultati per imparare il Francese in 24 ore!Questa applicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti, aiviaggiatori o agli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisiva perimparare a parlare la lingua Francese.Lavori o sei in vacanza in Francia? Puoi sicuramente otteneremigliori affari o trascorrere una vacanza migliore se puoi capire eparlare il Francese. Sei forse un viaggiatore che sta esplorandoParigi e si è trovato perso nella traduzione della lingua? Nessunproblema, co questa applicazione ora puoi conquistare la barrierache ti separa dal parlare Francese.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso di linguaFrancese o forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noi abbiamouna soluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata per interagirecon il tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio di questaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento. Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stia facendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, ti infilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questa applicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi per imparare la linguaFrancese.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista, unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati, questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare Francese in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole per assicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!This is the applicationthat promises you the newest and the best results for learningFrench in 24 hours! This app provides students, tourists, travelersor businessmen audiovisual experience to learn to speak the Frenchlanguage.Work or you're on holiday in France? You can definitely getbetter deals or spend a better holiday if you can understand andspeak French. You're probably a traveler who is exploring Paris andfound himself lost in the translation of the language? No problem,co this application you can conquer the barrier that separates youfrom speaking French.Too busy to sign up to a real French language course or maybeit's too expensive? You are not alone, and now we have a solution.This application is designed to interact with your lifestyle. Withthe characteristic sound of this app, you can always learn on thego. If you're driving, either on the bus or on the train, isjogging in the park or rather relaxed in bed, you stick yourheadphones and just beginning to learn. This application assuresthe easiest and trouble to learn the French language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler, anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow you tospeak French in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sure youlearn the easy way out there!Thank you!
24小时之内学习说泰语 学泰语 快速 免费 最佳 新 泰语 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Mandarin 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ini adalah aplikasi terbaru dan paling efektifuntuk orang-orang Indonesia yang mau belajar bicara bahasa Mandarindalam waktu 24 jam! Aplikasi ini menggunakan audiovisual teknologiuntuk membantu mempercepat anda belajar bahasa Mandarin.Anda mau melakukan bisnis dengan orang Cina? Expor/Impor ke Cina?Atau mungkin anda mau mendapatkan deal terbaik ketika berlibur diCina? Mulailah belajar bicara bahasa yang sangat populer ini!Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar di kursus bahasa Mandarin, ataumungkin terlalu mahal untuk anda? Kami punya solusinya! Denganaplikasi ini, anda dapat belajar bahasa Mandarin ketika menyetir,ketika jogging di taman atau bahkan saat anda santai di ranjang.Tinggal pasang headphone dan mulailah belajar! Sangat mudah dantidak repot!Cocok untuk semua orang, dari pelajar, penjelajah dunia sampaiorang-orang bisnis! Aplikasi ini dapat membantu anda untukberbicara bahasa Mandarin dalam waktu 24 jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata di dalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Mandarin dengan mudah!Terima kasih!This is the newest andmost effective application for the Indonesian people who want tolearn to speak Mandarin Chinese within 24 hours! This applicationuses audiovisual technology to help accelerate your learningMandarin. You want to do business with the Chinese? Export / Import to China?Or maybe you want to get the best deal when on holiday in China?Begin to learn to speak a language that is very popular! Too busy to enroll in Chinese language courses, or may be tooexpensive for you? We have the solution! With this application, youcan learn Mandarin when driving, when jogging in the park or evenwhen you are relaxing in bed. Just plug the headphones and startlearning! It's easy and no hassle!Suitable for everyone, from students, world traveler to businesspeople! This application can help you to speak Mandarin within 24hours!In this application there are thousands of words in sentencesthat are commonly used in everyday conversation to help you learnMandarin with ease!Thank you!
24 Stunden Lernen Spanisch 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste und wahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Spanisch in 24 Stunden zu erlernen. Diese Appunterstützt Studenten, Touristen, Reisenden und Geschäftstüchtigedabei audiovisuell die Spanisch Sprache zu lernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Spanien oderMexiko? Auf jeden fall werden sie die besten Geschäfte machen, wennsie die Spanisch Sprache sprechen und verstehen können. Vielleichtsind sie ein Reisender auf dem Weg Barcelona zu entdecken aberfühlen sich verloren in der Übersetzung? Keine Sorge, sie könnennun die Sprachbarriere zwischen ihnen und den Einheimischenproblemlos bezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigen Spanisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer? Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt die Lösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltag einzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können sie jederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Bus oder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bett liegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernen kann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methode um dieSpanisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist, Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnen mitSicherheit die Spanisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit du esleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latest andprobably most effective app to learn Spanish in 24 hours. This appsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprising therebyaudiovisuell to learn the Spanish language.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday in Spain orMexico? In any case, they will make the best shops, if they canspeak and understand the Spanish language. Maybe they'rediscovering a traveler on the way Barcelona but feel lost intranslation? Do not worry, they can now conquer the languagebarrier between them and the locals easily.Too busy to log in a proper Spanish course? Or maybe just tooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now have thesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them into theireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you can alwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on the busor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in her bed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. This appis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to the Spanishlanguage.Whether you are an academic student, tourist, traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will help you learn the Spanishlanguage certainly in 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearn it easily.thank you
24小时之内学习说各种语言 - 英语,法语,德语,意大利语 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
En 24 Horas Aprender Alemán 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Esta es la nueva y posiblemente masefectivaaplicación para ti para aprender a hablar Alemán en 24horas, estaaplicación proporcionara a los estudiantes, turistas,mochileros oempresarios con una experiencia audiovisual en comohablar elidioma Alemán.¿Haciendo negocios o de vacaciones en Alemania?Definitivamentepuedes conseguir las mejores ofertas o si puedesentender y hablarAlemán!, ¿Eres un viajero en Berlina y teencuentras perdido entraducción? No te preocupes, ahora puedesconquistar la barreralingüística entre tú y un Alemán hablante conesta Aplicación.¿Muy ocupado para apuntarte a un curso de Alemán o que quizásseademasiado caro? No estas solo y nosotros tenemos la solución,¡Estaaplicación esta diseñada para trabajar con tu activo estilode vida!Con la función de audio de esta aplicación, podrásaprender en elcamino, si vas conduciendo, en el bus o tren ,corriendo en elparque o quizás relajando en la cama, ¡ solo pontetus auriculares yempieza a aprender! ¡Esta aplicación te da laforma mas fácil ylibre de problemas para aprender el idiomaAlemán!Si eres un estudiante de academia, turista ,mochilero,aventurerou hombre de negocios, ¡esta aplicación se asegurara deque hablesAlemán en 24 horas!Esta aplicación contiene miles de palabras en frasesparaasegurar que aprendes de la manera más fácil.¡Gracias!This is new andpossiblymore effective implementation for you to learn to speakGerman in24 hours, this application will provide students,tourists,backpackers or businessmen with experience as anaudiovisual speakthe German language.Doing business or holiday in Germany? You can definitely getthebest deals or if you can understand and speak German !, Are youatraveler in Berlin and you are lost in translation? Do notworry,now you can conquer the language barrier between you and aGermanspeaker with this application.Too busy to sign a German course or may be too expensive? Youarenot alone and we have the solution, this application isdesigned towork with your active lifestyle! With the audio featureof thisapplication, you'll learn along the way, if you drive inthe bus ortrain, running in the park or perhaps relaxing in bed,just put onyour headphones and start learning! This applicationgives you theeasiest and most hassle-free way to learn the Germanlanguage!If you are a student academy, tourist, backpacker, adventurerorbusinessman, this application will ensure that you speak Germanin24 hours!This application contains thousands of words in sentencestoensure that you learn the easy way.Thank you!
En 24 Horas Aprender Japonés 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Esta es la nueva y posiblemente masefectivaaplicación para ti para aprender a hablar Japonés en 24horas, estaaplicación proporcionara a los estudiantes, turistas,mochileros oempresarios con una experiencia audiovisual en comohablar elidioma Japonés.¿Haciendo negocios o de vacaciones en Japón?Definitivamentepuedes conseguir las mejores ofertas o si puedesentender y hablarJaponés!, ¿Eres un viajero en Tokio y teencuentras perdido entraducción? No te preocupes, ahora puedesconquistar la barreralingüística entre tú y un Japonés hablante conesta Aplicación.¿Muy ocupado para apuntarte a un curso de Japonés o quequizássea demasiado caro? No estas solo y nosotros tenemos lasolución,¡Esta aplicación esta diseñada para trabajar con tu activoestilode vida! Con la función de audio de esta aplicación,podrásaprender en el camino, si vas conduciendo, en el bus o tren,corriendo en el parque o quizás relajando en la cama, ¡ solopontetus auriculares y empieza a aprender! ¡Esta aplicación te dalaforma mas fácil y libre de problemas para aprender elidiomaJaponés!Si eres un estudiante de academia, turista ,mochilero,aventurerou hombre de negocios, ¡esta aplicación se asegurara deque hablesJaponés en 24 horas!Esta aplicación contiene miles de palabras en frasesparaasegurar que aprendes de la manera más fácil.¡Gracias!This is new andpossiblymore effective implementation for you to learn to speakJapanese in24 hours, this application will provide students,tourists,backpackers or businessmen with an audiovisual experienceasspeaking the Japanese language.Doing business or holiday in Japan? You can definitely getthebest deals or if you can understand and speak Japanese !, Areyou atraveler in Tokyo and you're lost in translation? Do notworry, nowyou can conquer the language barrier between you and aJapanesespeaker with this application.Too busy to sign up for a course in Japanese or may betooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution,thisapplication is designed to work with your active lifestyle!Withthe audio feature of this application, you'll learn along theway,if you drive in the bus or train, running in the park orperhapsrelaxing in bed, just put on your headphones and startlearning!This application gives you the easiest and mosthassle-free way tolearn the Japanese language!If you are a student academy, tourist, backpacker, adventurerorbusinessman, this application will ensure that speak Japanese in24hours!This application contains thousands of words in sentencestoensure that you learn the easy way.Thank you!
En 24 Heures Apprend Italien 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement la plusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parler Italien en 24heures! Cette application convient à des étudiants, touristes,voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contient une experienced’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parler Italien.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Italie? Vous pouvezdéfinitivement avoir la meilleure option pour apprendre l'Italien!Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageant à Rome perdus dans vostraductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvez conquérir la barrière dulangage entre vous et une personne parlant Italien avec cetteapplication.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Italien ouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avons unesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avec votrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio de l’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vos déplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durant un jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votre lit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre! Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moins contraignantd’apprendre la langue Italien!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ou hommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parler Italien en24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans des phrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure des manières.Merci!This is new and probablythe most effective applications for learning to speak Italian in 24hours! This application is suitable for students, tourists,travelers or businessman and contains audiovisual learningexperience on how to speak Italian.For business or vacation in Italy? You can definitely be thebest option to learn Italian! Maybe you're an explorer traveling toRome lost in your translations? No worries, you can conquer thelanguage barrier between you and a person speaking Italian withthis application.Too busy to enroll in an Italian language course or is it maybetoo much? You are not alone and we have a solution. Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks to theaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn on thego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the park orperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphones andstart learning! This application offers you the easiest and leastrestrictive learning the Italian language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurer andbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak Italian in 24hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomake sure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Korea 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ini adalah aplikasi iphone terbaru dan palingefektif untuk belajar bicara bahasa Korea dalam waktu 24 jam!Aplikasi ini memberi pelajar, turis dan pedagang cara audiovisualuntuk belajar bicara bahasa Korea.Mau melakukan bisnis atau berlibur ke Korea? Anda tentu dapatdeal terbaik jika anda dapat mengerti dan bicara bahasa Korea!Mungkin pula anda adalah penjelajah dunia yang mau pergi ke Seouldan merasa tersesat karena tidak mengerti bahasa Korea? Jangankhawatir, dengan aplikasi ini anda akan dapat berbicara denganorang lokal Korea.Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar kursus bahasa Korea? Atau mungkinterlalu mahal? Anda tidak sendirian dan kami ada solusinya! Denganaudio feature dalam aplikasi ini, anda dapat belajar dimana saja,di dalam mobil, ketika jogging atau mungkin ketika sedang santai diranjang. Tinggal pasang headset dan mulailah belajar!Siapapun anda, pelajar, turis atau pedagang, aplikasi ini akandapat membantu anda bicara bahasa Korea dalam waktu 24 jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata di dalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Korea dengan mudah!Terima kasih!This is the latest iphoneapps and most effective way to learn to speak the Korean languagewithin 24 hours! This app gives students, tourists and merchantsaudiovisual way to learn to speak Korean.Want to do business or vacation to Korea? You certainly can bestdeal if you can understand and speak Korean! Perhaps you are alsoworld explorers will go to Seoul and feel lost because they do notunderstand Korean? Do not worry, with this application you will beable to talk to the local people of Korea.Too busy to register the Korean language course? Or may be tooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution! With theaudio feature in this application, you can learn anywhere, in thecar, while jogging or perhaps while relaxing in bed. Just plug aheadset and start learning!Whoever you are, student, tourist or trader, this app will helpyou speak the Korean language within 24 hours!In this application there are thousands of words in sentencesthat are commonly used in everyday conversation to help you learnthe Korean language with ease!Thank you!
24小时之内学习说德语 学德语 快速 免费 最佳 新 德语 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
En 24Heures Apprend Indonésien 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement laplusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parler Indonésien en24heures! Cette application convient à des étudiants,touristes,voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contient uneexperienced’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parlerIndonésien.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Indonésie? Vouspouvezdéfinitivement avoir la meilleure option pourapprendrel'Indonésien! Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageantà Baliperdus dans vos traductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvezconquérirla barrière du langage entre vous et une personneparlantIndonésien avec cette application.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Indonésienouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avonsunesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avecvotrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio del’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vosdéplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durantun jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votrelit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre!Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moinscontraignantd’apprendre la langue Indonésien!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ouhommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parlerIndonésienen 24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans desphrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure desmanières.Merci!This is new andprobablythe most effective applications for learning to speakIndonesian in24 hours! This application is suitable for students,tourists,travelers or businessman and contains audiovisuallearningexperience on how to speak Indonesian.For business or vacation in Indonesia? You can definitely bethebest option for learning Indonesian! Maybe you're anexplorertraveling in Bali lost in your translations? No worries,you canconquer the language barrier between you and a personspeakingIndonesian with this application.Too busy to enroll in an Indonesian language classes or isitmaybe too much? You are not alone and we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks totheaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn onthego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the parkorperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphonesandstart learning! This application offers you the simplest andleastburdensome way to learn Indonesian language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurerandbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak Indonesianin24 hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomakesure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
En 24 Heures Apprend Chinois 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement laplusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parlerChinois(Mandarin) en 24 heures! Cette application convient àdesétudiants, touristes, voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contientuneexperience d’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parlerChinois.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Chine ou Taiwan? Vouspouvezdéfinitivement avoir la meilleure option pour apprendre leChinois!Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageant à Beijingperdus dansvos traductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvez conquérir labarrièredu langage entre vous et une personne parlant Chinois aveccetteapplication.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Chinoisouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avonsunesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avecvotrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio del’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vosdéplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durantun jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votrelit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre!Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moinscontraignantd’apprendre la langue Chinois!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ouhommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parler Chinoisen24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans desphrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure desmanières.Merci!This is new andprobablythe most effective applications for learning to speakChinese(Mandarin) in 24 hours! This application is suitable forstudents,tourists, travelers or businessman and containsaudiovisuallearning experience on how to speak Chinese.For business or vacation in China or Taiwan? You candefinitelybe the best option to learn Chinese! Maybe you're anexplorertraveling in Beijing lost in your translations? No worries,you canconquer the language barrier between you and a personspeakingChinese with this application.Too busy to enroll in a Chinese language course or is itmaybetoo much? You are not alone and we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks totheaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn onthego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the parkorperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphonesandstart learning! This application offers you the easiest andleastrestrictive to learn Chinese language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurerandbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak Chinese in24hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomakesure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
En 24 Heures Apprend Allemand 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement laplusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parler Allemand en24heures! Cette application convient à des étudiants,touristes,voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contient uneexperienced’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parler Allemand.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Allemagne? Vouspouvezdéfinitivement avoir la meilleure option pour apprendrel'Allemand!Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageant à Berlinperdus dansvos traductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvez conquérir labarrièredu langage entre vous et une personne parlant Allemand aveccetteapplication.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Allemandouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avonsunesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avecvotrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio del’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vosdéplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durantun jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votrelit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre!Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moinscontraignantd’apprendre la langue Allemand!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ouhommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parlerAllemand en24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans desphrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure desmanières.Merci!This is new andprobablythe most effective applications for learning to speakGerman in 24hours! This application is suitable for students,tourists,travelers or businessman and contains audiovisuallearningexperience on how to speak German.For business or vacation in Germany? You can definitely bethebest option to learn German! Maybe you're an explorer travelingtoBerlin lost in your translations? No worries, you can conquerthelanguage barrier between you and a person speaking German withthisapplication.Too busy to enroll in a German language course, or is itmaybetoo much? You are not alone and we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks totheaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn onthego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the parkorperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphonesandstart learning! This application offers you the easiest andleastrestrictive to learn the German language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurerandbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak German in24hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomakesure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
En 24 Heures Apprend Japonais 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement laplusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parler Japonais en24heures! Cette application convient à des étudiants,touristes,voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contient uneexperienced’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parler Japonais.Aux affaires ou en vacances en Japon? Vous pouvezdéfinitivementavoir la meilleure option pour apprendre le Japonais!Peut-êtreêtes vous un explorateur voyageant à Tokyo perdus dansvostraductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvez conquérir la barrièredulangage entre vous et une personne parlant Japonais aveccetteapplication.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Japonaisouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avonsunesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avecvotrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio del’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vosdéplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durantun jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votrelit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre!Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moinscontraignantd’apprendre la langue Japonais!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ouhommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parlerJaponais en24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans desphrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure desmanières.Merci!This is new andprobablythe most effective applications for learning to speakJapanese in24 hours! This application is suitable for students,tourists,travelers or businessman and contains audiovisuallearningexperience on how to speak Japanese.For business or vacation in Japan? You can definitely be thebestoption to learn Japanese! Maybe you're an explorer travelinginTokyo lost in your translations? No worries, you can conquerthelanguage barrier between you and a person speaking Japanesewiththis application.Too busy to enroll in a Japanese language course or is itmaybetoo much? You are not alone and we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks totheaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn onthego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the parkorperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphonesandstart learning! This application offers you the simplest andleastburdensome way to learn Japanese language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurerandbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak Japanesein24 hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomakesure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
En 24 Heures Apprend Anglais 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ceci est la nouvelle et probablement laplusefficace des applications pour apprendre à parler Anglais en24heures! Cette application convient à des étudiants,touristes,voyageurs ou homme d’affaires et contient uneexperienced’apprentissage audiovisuel sur comment parler Anglais.Aux affaires ou en vacances en USA ou Australie? Vouspouvezdéfinitivement avoir la meilleure option pour apprendrel'Anglais!Peut-être êtes vous un explorateur voyageant à New Yorkperdus dansvos traductions? Pas de souçis, vous pouvez conquérir labarrièredu langage entre vous et une personne parlant Anglais aveccetteapplication.Trop occupé pour s’inscrire à un cours de langue Anglaisouest-ce peut-être trop cher? Vous n’êtes pas seul et nous avonsunesolution. Cette application est conçue pour fonctionner avecvotrestyle de vie! Grâce à la fonctionnalité audio del’application,vous pouvez toujours apprendre lors de vosdéplacements. Que cesoit en voiture, dans le bus, en train, durantun jogging dans unparc ou peut-être en vous relaxant dans votrelit, il suffit debrancher vos écouteurs et commencer à apprendre!Cette applicationvous propose le moyen le plus simple et le moinscontraignantd’apprendre la langue Anglais!Que voussoyez étudiant, touriste, voyageur, aventurier ouhommed’affaires, cette application vous permettra de parler Anglaisen24 heures.Cette application contient des milliers de mots dans desphrasespour vous assurer d’apprendre de la meilleure desmanières.Merci!This is new andprobablythe most effective applications for learning to speakEnglish in 24hours! This application is suitable for students,tourists,travelers or businessman and contains audiovisuallearningexperience on how to speak English.For business or vacation in USA or Australia? You candefinitelybe the best option to learn English! Maybe you're anexplorertraveling in New York lost in your translations? Noworries, youcan conquer the language barrier between you and aperson speakingEnglish with this application.Too busy to enroll in an English language course or is itmaybetoo much? You are not alone and we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to work with your lifestyle! Thanks totheaudio functionality of the application, you can still learn onthego. Whether by car, on the bus, train, during a jog in the parkorperhaps relaxing in your bed, just plug in your headphonesandstart learning! This application offers you the easiest andleastrestrictive to learn English language!What voussoyez student, tourist, traveler, adventurerandbusinessman, this application will allow you to speak English in24hours.This application contains thousands of words in sentences tomakesure you learn from the best of ways.Thank you!
In 24 Ore Imparare Coreano 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e chetipromette i migliori risultati per imparare il Coreano in 24ore!Questa applicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti,aiviaggiatori o agli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisivaperimparare a parlare la lingua Coreano.Lavori o sei in vacanza in Corea? Puoi sicuramenteotteneremigliori affari o trascorrere una vacanza migliore se puoicapire eparlare il Coreano. Sei forse un viaggiatore che staesplorandoSeoul e si è trovato perso nella traduzione della lingua?Nessunproblema, co questa applicazione ora puoi conquistare labarrierache ti separa dal parlare Coreano.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso dilinguaCoreano o forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noiabbiamouna soluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata perinteragirecon il tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio diquestaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento.Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stiafacendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, tiinfilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questaapplicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi perimparare la linguaCoreano.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista,unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati,questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare Coreano in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole perassicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!This is theapplicationthat promises you the newest and the best results forlearningKorean in 24 hours! This app provides students, tourists,travelersor businessmen audiovisual experience to learn to speakthe Koreanlanguage.Work or you're on vacation in Korea? You can definitelygetbetter deals or spend a better holiday if you can understandandspeak Korean. You're probably a traveler who is exploring Seoulandfound himself lost in the translation of the language? Noproblem,co this application you can conquer the barrier thatseparates youfrom speaking Korean.Too busy to enroll in a language course true Korean or maybeit'stoo expensive? You are not alone, and now we have a solution.Thisapplication is designed to interact with your lifestyle. Withthecharacteristic sound of this app, you can always learn on thego. Ifyou're driving, either on the bus or on the train, isjogging in thepark or rather relaxed in bed, you stick yourheadphones and justbeginning to learn. This application assuresthe easiest and troubleto learn the Korean language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler,anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow youtospeak Korean in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sureyoulearn the easy way out there!Thank you!
Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Jepang 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ini adalah aplikasi iphone terbaru danpalingefektif untuk belajar bicara bahasa Jepang dalam waktu 24jam!Aplikasi ini memberi pelajar, turis dan pedagang caraaudiovisualuntuk belajar bicara bahasa Jepang.Mau melakukan bisnis atau berlibur ke Jepang? Anda tentudapatdeal terbaik jika anda dapat mengerti dan bicara bahasaJepang!Mungkin pula anda adalah penjelajah dunia yang mau pergi keTokyodan merasa tersesat karena tidak mengerti bahasa Jepang?Jangankhawatir, dengan aplikasi ini anda akan dapat berbicaradenganorang lokal Jepang.Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar kursus bahasa Jepang? Ataumungkinterlalu mahal? Anda tidak sendirian dan kami ada solusinya!Denganaudio feature dalam aplikasi ini, anda dapat belajar dimanasaja,di dalam mobil, ketika jogging atau mungkin ketika sedangsantai diranjang. Tinggal pasang headset dan mulailah belajar!Siapapun anda, pelajar, turis atau pedagang, aplikasi iniakandapat membantu anda bicara bahasa Jepang dalam waktu 24jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata didalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapansehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Jepang denganmudah!Terima kasih!This is the latestiphoneapps and most effective way to learn to speak Japanese within24hours! This app gives students, tourists and merchantsaudiovisualway to learn to speak Japanese.Want to do business or vacation to Japan? You certainly canbestdeal if you can understand and speak Japanese! Perhaps you arealsoworld explorers who wanted to go to Tokyo and feel lostbecausethey do not understand Japanese? Do not worry, withthisapplication you will be able to talk to the local peopleofJapan.Too busy to sign a Japanese language course? Or may betooexpensive? You are not alone and we have the solution! Withtheaudio feature in this application, you can learn anywhere, inthecar, while jogging or perhaps while relaxing in bed. Just plugaheadset and start learning!Whoever you are, student, tourist or trader, this app willhelpyou speak Japanese within 24 hours!In this application there are thousands of words insentencesthat are commonly used in everyday conversation to helpyou learnJapanese easily!Thank you!
Dalam 24 Jam Belajar Thai 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Ini adalah aplikasi terbaru dan palingefektifuntuk orang-orang Indonesia yang mau belajar bicara bahasaThaidalam waktu 24 jam! Aplikasi ini menggunakan audiovisualteknologiuntuk membantu mempercepat anda belajar bahasa Thai.Anda mau mengembangkan bisnis anda secara global? Atau mungkinandamau mendapatkan deal terbaik ketika berlibur di luar negeri?Akansangat berguna kalau anda dapat berbicara bahasa yangpalingpopuler di dunia!Terlalu sibuk untuk mendaftar di kursus bahasa Thai, ataumungkinterlalu mahal untuk anda? Kami punya solusinya! Denganaplikasiini, anda dapat belajar bahasa Thai ketika menyetir, ketikajoggingdi taman atau bahkan saat anda santai di ranjang. Tinggalpasangheadphone dan mulailah belajar! Sangat mudah dan tidak repot!Cocok untuk semua orang, dari pelajar, penjelajah duniasampaiorang-orang bisnis! Aplikasi ini dapat membantu andauntukberbicara bahasa Thai dalam waktu 24 jam!Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat ribuan kata-kata didalamkalimat-kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapansehari-hariuntuk membantu anda belajar bahasa Mandarin denganmudah!Terima kasih!This is the newestandmost effective application for the Indonesian people who wanttolearn to speak the Thai language within 24 hours! Thisapplicationuses audiovisual technology to help speed you learn theThailanguage. You want to expand your business globally? Or maybe you want togetthe best deal when on holiday abroad? It would be very usefulifyou can speak the language of the most popular in theworld! Too busy to enroll in Thai language course, or may be tooexpensivefor you? We have the solution! With this application, youcan learnthe Thai language when driving, when jogging in the parkor evenwhen you are relaxing in bed. Just plug the headphones andstartlearning! It's easy and no hassle!Suitable for everyone, from students, world traveler tobusinesspeople! This application can help you to speak Thai within24hours! In this application there are thousands of words in sentencesthatare commonly used in everyday conversation to help youlearnMandarin with ease!Thank you!
24 Stunden Lernen Japanisch 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste undwahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Japanisch in 24 Stunden zuerlernen. Diese Appunterstützt Studenten, Touristen, Reisenden undGeschäftstüchtigedabei audiovisuell die Japanisch Sprache zulernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Japan? Aufjedenfall werden sie die besten Geschäfte machen, wenn sie dieJapanischSprache sprechen und verstehen können. Vielleicht sind sieeinReisender auf dem Weg Tokyo zu entdecken aber fühlen sichverlorenin der Übersetzung? Keine Sorge, sie können nun dieSprachbarrierezwischen ihnen und den Einheimischen problemlosbezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigenJapanisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer? Siesind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt dieLösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltageinzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können siejederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Busoder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bettliegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernenkann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methodeum dieJapanisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist,Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnenmitSicherheit die Japanisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit duesleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latestandprobably most effective app to learn Japanese in 24 hours. Thisappsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprisingtherebyaudiovisuell to learn the Japanese language.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday in Japan? Inanycase, they will make the best shops, if they can speakandunderstand the Japanese language. Maybe they're discoveringatraveler on the way Tokyo but feel lost in translation? Donotworry, they can now conquer the language barrier between themandthe locals easily.Too busy to log in a Japanese right course? Or maybe justtooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now havethesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them intotheireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you canalwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on thebusor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in herbed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. Thisappis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to createtheJapanese language.Whether you are an academic student, tourist,traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will help you learntheJapanese language with security in 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearnit easily.thank you
24 Stunden Lernen Italienisch 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste undwahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Italienisch in 24 Stunden zuerlernen. DieseApp unterstützt Studenten, Touristen, ReisendenundGeschäftstüchtige dabei audiovisuell die italienisch Sprachezulernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in Italien? Aufjedenfall werden sie die besten Geschäfte machen, wenn siedieItalienisch Sprache sprechen und verstehen können. Vielleichtsindsie ein Reisender auf dem Weg Rom zu entdecken aber fühlensichverloren in der Übersetzung? Keine Sorge, sie können nundieSprachbarriere zwischen ihnen und den Einheimischenproblemlosbezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigenItalienisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer?Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt dieLösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltageinzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können siejederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Busoder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bettliegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernenkann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methodeum dieItalienisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist,Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnenmitSicherheit die Italienisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit duesleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latestandprobably most effective app to learn Italian in 24 hours. Thisappsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprisingtherebyaudiovisuell to learn the Italian language.Are you traveling for business or for a vacation in Italy? Inanycase, they will make the best shops, if they can speakandunderstand the Italian language. Maybe they're discoveringatraveler on the way Rome but feel lost in translation? Donotworry, they can now conquer the language barrier between themandthe locals easily.Too busy to log in a real Italian course? Or maybe justtooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now havethesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them intotheireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you canalwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on thebusor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in herbed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. Thisappis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to theItalianlanguage.Whether you are an academic student, tourist,traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will help you learnthe Italianlanguage certainly in 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearnit easily.thank you
24 Stunden Lernen Französisch 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Dies ist die neuste undwahrscheinlicheffektivste App, um Französisch in 24 Stunden zuerlernen. DieseApp unterstützt Studenten, Touristen, ReisendenundGeschäftstüchtige dabei audiovisuell die Französisch Sprachezulernen.Sind Sie geschäftlich oder für einen Urlaub in FrankreichoderKanada? Auf jeden fall werden sie die besten Geschäfte machen,wennsie die Französisch Sprache sprechen und verstehenkönnen.Vielleicht sind sie ein Reisender auf dem Weg Paris zuentdeckenaber fühlen sich verloren in der Übersetzung? Keine Sorge,siekönnen nun die Sprachbarriere zwischen ihnen und denEinheimischenproblemlos bezwingen.Zu beschäftigt um sich in einem richtigenFranzösisch-Kursanzumelden? Oder vielleicht einfach nur zu teuer?Sie sind nichtalleine mit diesem Problem und wir haben jetzt dieLösung. DieseApp ist so gestaltet um sie in ihren Alltageinzubauen. Mit derAudio Funktion in dieser App, können siejederzeit unterwegslernen. Egal ob sie gerade Auto fahren, im Busoder im Zug sitzen,beim joggen sind oder entspannt in ihrem Bettliegen. Sie könneneinfach ihre Kopfhörer aufsetzen und das lernenkann beginnen.Diese App ist die einfachste und müheloseste Methodeum dieFranzösisch Sprache zu erlernen.Egal ob sie ein akademischer Student, Tourist,Reisender,Abenteurer oder Geschäftsmann sind, dieses App wird ihnenmitSicherheit die Französisch Sprache in 24h lernen.Dieses App beinhaltet tausende Worte in Phrasen, damit duesleichter lernt kannst.DankeThis is the latestandprobably most effective app to learn French in 24 hours. Thisappsupports students, tourists, travelers and enterprisingtherebyaudiovisuell to learn the French language.Are you traveling for business or for a holiday in FranceorCanada? In any case, they will make the best shops, if theycanspeak and understand the French Language. Maybe they'rediscoveringa traveler on the way Paris but feel lost intranslation? Do notworry, they can now conquer the language barrierbetween them andthe locals easily.Too busy to log in a proper French course? Or maybe justtooexpensive? You are not alone with this problem and we now havethesolution. This app is designed to incorporate them intotheireveryday lives. With the audio feature in this app, you canalwayslearn on the go. Whether you just drive a car, sitting on thebusor on the train, while jogging or relaxing are lying in herbed.You can simply put their headphones and learn can begin. Thisappis to learn the easiest and most effortless way to theFrenchlanguage.Whether you are an academic student, tourist,traveler,adventurer or businessman, this app will get them withsecurity theFrench to 24h.This app includes thousands of words in phrases, so you canlearnit easily.thank you
24小时之内学习说意大利语 学意大利语 快速 免费 最佳 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
24小时之内学习说西班牙语 学西班牙语 快速 免费 最佳 1.1
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
In 24 Ore Imparare Spagnolo 1.2
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Questa è l’applicazione più nuova e chetipromette i migliori risultati per imparare il Spagnolo in 24ore!Questa applicazione fornisce agli studenti, ai turisti,aiviaggiatori o agli uomini d’affari un’esperienza audiovisivaperimparare a parlare la lingua Spagnolo.Lavori o sei in vacanza in Spagna o Messico? Puoisicuramenteottenere migliori affari o trascorrere una vacanzamigliore se puoicapire e parlare il Spagnolo. Sei forse unviaggiatore che staesplorando Barcellona e si è trovato perso nellatraduzione dellalingua? Nessun problema, co questa applicazione orapuoiconquistare la barriera che ti separa dal parlare Spagnolo.Troppo impegnato per iscriverti ad un vero corso dilinguaSpagnolo o forse è troppo costoso? Non sei solo e ora noiabbiamouna soluzione. Questa applicazione è stata pensata perinteragirecon il tuo stile di vita. Con la caratteristica audio diquestaapplicazione, puoi sempre imparare mentre sei in movimento.Qualoratu stia guidando, sia sull’autobus o sul treno, stiafacendojogging al parco o piuttosto rilassato a letto, tiinfilisemplicemente le cuffie e inizi a imparare. Questaapplicazione tiassicura il modo più facile e senza problemi perimparare la linguaSpagnolo.Qualora tu sia uno studente universitario, un turista,unviaggiatore, un avventuriero o un uomo d’affati,questaapplicazione ti permetterà di parlare Spagnolo in 24 ore!Questa applicazione contiene migliaia di parole perassicurartidi imparare nel modo più facile che ci sia!Grazie!This is theapplicationthat promises you the newest and the best results forlearningSpanish in 24 hours! This app provides students,tourists,travelers or businessmen audiovisual experience to learnto speakthe Spanish language.Work or you're on holiday in Spain or Mexico? You candefinitelyget better deals or spend a better holiday if you canunderstandand speak Spanish. You're probably a traveler who isexploringBarcelona and found himself lost in the translation ofthelanguage? No problem, co this application you can conquerthebarrier that separates you from speaking Spanish.Too busy to enroll in a Spanish language course true ormaybeit's too expensive? You are not alone, and now we have asolution.This application is designed to interact with yourlifestyle. Withthe characteristic sound of this app, you can alwayslearn on thego. If you're driving, either on the bus or on thetrain, isjogging in the park or rather relaxed in bed, you stickyourheadphones and just beginning to learn. This applicationassuresthe easiest and trouble to learn the Spanish language.If you are a college student, a tourist, a traveler,anadventurer or a man affati, this application will allow youtospeak Spanish in 24 hours!This application contains thousands of words to make sureyoulearn the easy way out there!Thank you!
In 24 Hours Learn Languages - 1.0
SNA Consulting Pty Ltd
Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese,Arabic etc.